Where Rustic Living Meets Refined Elegance

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

On the grand scale of things...

I don't know why it takes me so long sometimes to realize I can change things.  I've had this doctors scale for years.  I like to have it, but I hate the way it looks.  It was in the water closet of our master bedroom to keep it out of sight but it had to leave the room! I put it in the bedroom but just couldn't stand looking at it.
Then suddenly it dawns on me....I can fix it! A little black paint, (I love black!!) some french graphics and Voila! a cute vintage french scale.
Much better
I was even able to save the little medical emblem and put it back on the front of the little box next to the weight.
It's so cute I just may be tempted to use it now and then, maybe.


  1. wow!! how did you do that?? where do you get "French Graphics"??? Loved what you did..great post

  2. Great Redo! It looks fantastic.


  3. Ya, where DID you get those great graphics ??

    You could make even a coffee can look marvelous, Tamra !!

    Love it !


  4. I use Corell Draw 11 to make my own graphics. I really need to move to photoshop but just can't find the time to learn it.

    Thanks girls!

  5. It looks cute but I have never figured out how to work one of those!

  6. What a find! Wow! I guess if we have to weigh ourselves, its nice to have a fabulous Parisian scale to do it! :)


  7. Hi Tamra,
    This is a real vintage piece! Wonderful!
    Thank you so much for your nice comment on my blog!



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