I have so many frames with nothing inside them. Just pretty frames waiting for pretty pictures but in the meantime they've been piled up on the floor awaiting a home somewhere in the Barn. Well yesterday I could take it no longer. I looked down and saw all the dust that collects around them and decided they had to go up. I picked a wall and just started hanging them up to get them off the ground but as I kept nailing and hanging the more I liked what I saw.
Soon they will all find homes in other rooms but for now they fill the wall and more importantly are off the ground.
I found I especially liked layering frames over other frames
I also moved this little bookcase over underneath to balance it all out. It also gave me a place to set my little Hotel House Phone
Yes it works. I love it. No dial so I figure it must be a little courtesy phone, you know a phone that you would pick up to recieve a call already answered by the front desk. Or maybe it was meant to be picked up and then hit then button a time or two to get the operator to ask for the number you want dialed.
It does tend to sound a little tinny.
Whenever I answer it and it's the Cowboy he'll always say, "Are you on that little phone in the living room?"
"Yeah, I can tell"
No joke, every time.