Well it's done. Sold.
The packing process is in full swing. The paring down (we're moving into half the space), the cleaning, the paper signing (Oy, the paper signing), the trying to decide what to keep unpacked until the last, the packing bare essentials for the last part of the move and most unbearably.....the living in the midst of chaos. Yuck. I really dislike chaos, especially in my home.
But enough of that. Now the good part. We all know what comes with a move, yep.......REDO AND REDECORATE! Whoooooo Hoooooo! I have to say I'm actually getting really excited. To be completely honest, I've never really "clicked" with this kitchen. It's weird but after years of dreaming of a big kitchen it's just not what it seems. Too much this, too much that, more room to cover and certainly not cozy. So my mind is already dreaming of what I will do different to whatever new space I decide to call home.
I will say it helps too that the people who bought the place do seem to really love it. I'm so fanatical about change, always repainting, recovering, resomething, that I have no objections to someone completely redoing this to make it their own. But when I find out they wanted some of our fixtures and other items because they compliment the look of the house so well, it tells me they don't plan on stripping it down, which is a nice thought that they enjoy some of the work we've done. I met one of the new owners yesterday. Very nice and very complimentary, (thank you Suzanne), and I have to say I was even more excited after she left. She and her husband are relocating from Southern California to make this their home. I could tell she shared the same love of what makes this barn such a beauty. One being the floors. They are truly a labor of love and so desperately need a new coat of wax. Her appreciation for the floors (even is the sorry state they are in) and requesting info about what wax we used really made me happy. It's nice to know I'm leaving this place in the hands of someone who will care for it and from what I'm gathering they have the means and to really finish it out to what it should have been. For that I am grateful.
In the meantime, my studio has been completely relocated out of my home into an industrial space in town. And surprisingly I love it! I love having my work out of my house, I love having a professional space to meet with clients and not have to schlep 80 lbs of plaster and paint to clients for them to see, they can now come to me, by appointment and see it all. Heaven! I've been working hard to make it look presentable and it's coming along. I'll post pictures later this week.
We've also begun helping my brother with a complete remodel of his rental. Previous tenants over the last few years have completely destroyed it. So we are gutting it and having to take some rooms down to the studs. The plan is to have it back together and looking good by the time escrow closes on February 15th so that we can stay there for a bit while we decide our next move. Pictures coming of that project too but it's got to get a little farther along. Right now it would just gross you out.
So lot's happening and I will be keeping the The Gilded Barn going. Every home needs gilding of some sort and just because my next home won't be a real barn I don't think anyone will care, I know I won't. So with thoughts and dreams of the next place to "Gild", onward and upward!

Oh-Tamra- I am glad it sold so you are out from under the burden but I know that it is a very bittersweet move for you. We will be downsizing soon, too, and I am dreadfully, yet excitedly in a way, looking forward to it. It's a good thing we don't know exactly what God has in store for us in many ways. Blessings to you- please keep us posted and let me know how you are doing. I am praying that the transition is an easy one for you- xo Diana
ReplyDeleteDownsizing is not always a bad thing - great way to simplify our lives. I'm wishing an easy transition for you and can't wait to follow as you proceed!
ReplyDeleteBeautifull photos and great blog, especially for me thanks.