Where Rustic Living Meets Refined Elegance

Thursday, March 31, 2011

A Room of it's Own

We have gone without a laundry room for some time now.  Last week I got the check for the sale of a beautiful antique piece of furniture and the first thing the Cowboy said was "Let's put it towards the laundry room!"  I second the motion so here we broke ground yesterday!

The layout begins. 

This is the view from my office.  I am a bit sad that I will lose the beautiful view and the amazing sunsets in the evening, but to not have to walk into another horrible laundry mat ever again.......WORTH IT!

This is the side  that backs up to the living room.  The doors to our master bedroom are closest to the front of the property (you can see my pretty faux wrought iron doors from the outside here)
 then my office just past that, then the opening for the laundry room door will be cut and the water heater will have to be moved. 
Yes you can clearly see the water heater hanging about 2 feet to the right of where the door will go.  Why is it there you ask?  Because I was not home when it was put in.  Nope, I made the horrible mistake of thinking it would be put in an out of the way inconspicuious spot.  Yep, I was gone and there were two parties involved in the placement, the Cowboy and the plumber.  The first party had forgotten I planned the laundry room to go in this spot and the second party couldn't care less. 

I'm already planning, dreaming and searching for beautiful pictures.  Of course the first one on my list is lovely room with the adorable stand from Show & Tell.

Love it!  The other day I saw some amazing laundry rooms on a blog and now I can't remember where I saw them.  One was stunning in greys and soft neutrals with zinc counters, oh if only I could remember!
Anyway this is a good start.

My lovely LG's have been sitting in storage for sometime now just patiently waiting to be rescued. 


  1. Oh Tamra your laundrey room is something you will enjoy so much!!

    I have a Giveaway from The Zhush I know you will love! Come & join!

    Art by Karena

  2. Tamra- Oh how wonderful that your are gettting a brand new laundry room. I take it you don't have basements in your area? Having a handy laundry room will make up for the view you lose from your office! Hugs~ Diana

  3. I am so excited for you!
    It's a big deal to have a great place to wash your clothes! We currently are working on completing ours...(only the sink area to go) but just to have a nice place to fold my things has been life changing!
    I love the doors with the iron scroll-work!
    Did you do them?
    Have a great weekend!

  4. NanaDiana, I'm about 30 min inland from the coast so basements are very uncommon in my area. I have to say if I did have one I would have already turned it into a wine cellar anyway, LOL!

    d.reyne, I can't agree more that a nice laundry room is life changing. Everyone should have a beautiful space to do laundry. And yes I did do the "iron work" doors. It's one of the finishes I offer in my line of work.

  5. Hey Tamra- How is it coming along?

    Can you put in a big window so you can see the sunset as you stuff the washer and fold the socks?

  6. HI Tamra~

    Thanks for stopping by....I love seeing your new laundry room go up! We have outdoor laundry and it's a pain...yes, hats in wide and medium brim in just about any color...just like the baskets in raffia...let me know if you need more det's...wishing you a lovely weekend, Andrea

  7. hi Tamra!! You better start chillin' a CASE of chamgagne, because you are going to be SOOOOO happy to have a laundry room that you'll want to pop a top everytime you do the whites;)!!
    omg... you're killing me with the 'why is it there?' story..... sadly, been there, done that. What the h3## were they thinking didn't come close to covering my thoughts when it happened to me!! Men..... isn't it amazing how women's houses are generally built by men??? I fear going to the grocery store and a decision being made in my absence!.... it's been a looooooong 7 months;)


  8. p.s. I'm so bummed the took "11 bonita drive" private (on your bloglist)... I used to read (ok- look at the pictures;) too. :( gorgeous home.

  9. I love forward to reading what you come up with in your work hopefully in your job...



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